Page access only from a specific page in wordpress website

Yes, it is possible by checking the referer on your target page before rendering the page. There may be a better way to solve your task, however, if you want to share more details. Setting a cookie, passing a parameter with the URL – there is usually more than one way to address a problem.

In answer to your question, wp_get_referer() will return the URL for the page the user arrived from or false if from the same page.

If your home page URL is ‘http://mypage.local’, this would work. Again, this is probably not the best approach for your project:

$referer = wp_get_referer();

if ( 'http://mypage.local' !== $referer ) {
  // User arrived from another source so send them away!
  wp_redirect( 'http://mypage.local/otherpage' );