Here’s a workaround:
First change the paginate_links()
output type to:
'type' => 'array',
Then we can collect the previous, current and next parts from the paginate_links()
Here’s a simple example where we target the relevant classes:
$prev = '';
foreach( (array) $paginate_links as $link )
if( false !== strpos( $link, 'prev ' ) )
$prev = $link;
elseif( false !== strpos( $link, ' current' ) )
$current = $link;
elseif( false !== strpos( $link, 'next ' ) )
$next = $link;
Finally we can construct the output as needed:
! empty( $current ) && printf(
'<div class="pagination">%s %s %s %s %d %s</div>',
esc_html__( 'Page', 'my-domain' ),
esc_html__( 'of', 'my-domain' ),
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