Pagination doesn’t work for home page custom post type query

Yeah, I did something like this recently, but this is how I did it:

 $showNum = 10;
 $startNum = 0;

 if($paged > 0){
    $pageNum = $paged - 1;
    $startNum = $pageNum * $showNum;
 } elseif($paged == 0){
    $paged = 1;

Then I went ahead and used the modified $paged value to request entries within the range of the requested page.

In the code sample you provided, you are defining $paged on line two. If this is a template file, then the $paged variable should already be defined by the time it gets to this page.

If I’m understanding it right, the $paged variable is used for determining what page of the set you are on. Do a var_dump($wp_query); to figure out what the current value of $paged is on your system.

Maybe this will help.