Parse query filter in wordpress and relation

Since you are querying for multiple meta_key’s, you will want to put your meta_key queries in an array. A good example is this posting on StackExchange.

For each of your functions you’ll want to replace the last three lines where you set the ['meta_key'], ['meta_value'], and ['meta_relation'] with something like this:

if( ! isset($query->query_vars['meta_query']) ) {
   $query->query_vars['meta_query'] = array();
// setup this functions meta values
$meta = array (
   'key'  =>   'dt_module_no',
   'value' =>   $mod_no,
   'compare' => 'LIKE'
 // append to meta_query array
 $query->query_vars['meta_query'][] = $meta;

By default each array in the meta_query will be ‘AND’ed in the query.

This code is untested.