PHP WordPress optimization my loop code

Hi there is not better option, but to speed it up little you can use wordpress transient, see documentation:

your code would look like this (and i cleaned it bit and used function empty to check array…):


if ( false === ( $tag_descrip = get_transient( 'tag_descrip' ) ) ) {

     $tag_descrip = get_terms( 'product_tag', 'orderby=count&hide_empty=0' );

     set_transient( 'tag_descrip ', $tag_descrip );

if ( !empty($tag_descrip) ){

 foreach ( $tag_descrip as $tag_descrip ) {

 if($tag_descrip->name == "parfum_bestof")
   $title_new1 = $tag_descrip->description;

 if($tag_descrip->name == "tshirt_bestof")
   $title_new2 = $tag_descrip->description;

 if($tag_descrip->name == "child_bestof")
   $title_new3 = $tag_descrip->description;


