Placing the content of one post in two side by side columns, newspaper style

Turns out there are specific CSS properties for columns:

Here’s what worked for my case:

.featured {
       -moz-column-count: 3;
       -moz-column-gap: 40px;
       -webkit-column-count: 3;
       -webkit-column-gap : 40px;
       -moz-column-rule-color:  #ccc;
       -moz-column-rule-style:  solid;
       -moz-column-rule-width:  1px;
       -webkit-column-rule-color:  #ccc;
       -webkit-column-rule-style: solid ;
       -webkit-column-rule-width:  1px;

And two refs for several other ways to go about it.

ADVANCED 2 column looping

SIX WAYS to use multiple columns