Placing the two most voted posts at the top (in a WordPress site that uses the Vote it up plugin)?

a while back i used that plugin and i needed a way to list most voted posts so after looking at the plugin’s widget code and i came up with this function:

function top_voted($number){
    $a = SortVotes();
    echo '<div class="voted">';
    $rows = 0;
    //Now does not include deleted posts
    $i = 0;
    while ($rows < $number)) {
        if ($a[0][$i][0] != '') {
                $postdat = get_post($a[0][$i][0]);
            if (!empty($postdat)) {
                echo '<div class="fore">';
                echo '<div class="votecount" style="width: 1em; color: #555555; font-weight: bold;">'.$a[1][$i][0].' </div><div><a href="'.$postdat->guid.'" title="'.$postdat->post_title.'">'.$postdat->post_title.'</a></div>';
                echo '</div>';
        if ($i < count($a[0])) {
        } else {
            break; //exit the loop
    echo '</div>';

