Plugin Options not saving options and doesn’t work

You aren’t returning data from the sanitize function:

function kns_sanitize_options( $input ) {
    $input['option1'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['option1'] );
    $input['option2'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['option2'] );

There is therefore nothing to save. Try:

function kns_sanitize_options( $input ) {
    $input['option1'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['option1'] );
    $input['option2'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['option2'] );
    return $input;

Secondly, you’ve registered the name of your options as kns_products_options

register_setting( 'kns_products_settings_group', 'kns_products_options', 'kns_sanitize_options');

But you are using kns_options in the form.

<input type="text" id="option1" name="kns_options[option1]" //...

The API doesn’t know how to find the data so $input in your sanitization callback is always null. Make that name attribute match the name you registered.

<input type="text" id="option1" name="kns_products_options[option1]" //...