plugings request url is the old url

No, that should be enough.

  • Elementor sets its base URL ELEMENTOR_URL from plugins_url
  • plugins_url uses WP_PLUGIN_URL which is set in default-constants.php
  • WP_PLUGIN_URL is constructed from WP_CONTENT_URL which is constructed from get_option('siteurl')
  • there’s a default options_siteurl filter called _config_wp_siteurl that overrides the value fetched from the database with WP_SITEURL if set.

So assuming you don’t have WP_PLUGIN_URL defined and that this isn’t a multisite, there’s nothing else you need to configure, no. I’d start by checking the value of WP_PLUGIN_URL that’s being generated by default-constants.php, or if you have any plugins_url filters defined somewhere.