Prevent non-admin to add/create new pages

You can remove the capability using remove_cap, here you can see a list per role of all capabilities available, the one you want would be edit_pages, so this will work for the editor rol, which has that capability:

$role = get_role( 'editor' );
$role->remove_cap( 'edit_pages' );

you may want publish_pages, edit_posts,publish_posts too, check the table for the rols that have those capabilities, take into account that you need to do this 1 time only, the remove_cap will modify the value in the database from 1 to 0, so run it only 1 time, here is how an WP_Role object looks:

WP_Role Object
    [name] => subscriber
    [capabilities] => Array
            [read] => 1
            [level_0] => 1


as you can see a subscriber can only read, notice that only the capabilities with 1 (true) will be saved.

You can also create your own rol and add capabilities to it, thats another topic though =]