Problem with custom menus

You have created menu “placeholders” of sorts but you haven’t added any actual menus yet, thus you see a kind of default menu being displayed.

  1. Go to wp-admin -> Appearance -> Menus
  2. Create a menu
  3. Assign the menu to one of your menu locations
  4. Add something to the menu
  5. Save

Now you should see the menu you expect.

To avoid printing a menu when there is no menu use has_nav_menu.

// var_dump(has_nav_menu('footer-noticias-financieras')); // debug
if( has_nav_menu('footer-noticias-financieras')) {
  wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'footer-noticias-financieras', 'menu_class' => '', 'container' => 'nav' ));

Notice how I am using the slugs you used and not the f-* values. I don’t know where those come from.