Programmatically Restrict WordPress from using certain URLs or sub-directories

The easiest way in WP would be to use wp_unique_post_slug hook.

It takes 6 params:

apply_filters( 'wp_unique_post_slug', string $slug, int $post_ID, string $post_status, string $post_type, int $post_parent, string $original_slug )

So you can target given URL and modify the slug would conflict.

Let’s say you want to prevent WP from using address. All you need to do is to disable eat as slug value.

add_filter( 'wp_unique_post_slug', 'prefix_wp_unique_post_slug', 2, 6 );
function prefix_wp_unique_post_slug( $slug, $post_ID, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent, $original_slug ) {
    if ( 'eat' == $slug ) {
        // change it to something else
        return $slug .'-2';
    return $slug;