Query Top Set Custom Taxonomy In Given Timeperiod

Well it only took me 3 days but I finally pieced together this. I know this isnt the past 24 hours, but it is a 24 hour period and I can easily change the dates. These dates worked for testing purposes for posts I had with tags.

$date1 = '2016-07-20 00:00:00';
$date2 = '2016-07-21 00:00:00';
$sql = $wpdb->prepare("
    SELECT taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AS termId, COUNT( * ) AS count, relatedTerms.*
    FROM celebnew_term_taxonomy AS taxonomy
    JOIN (
        SELECT *
        FROM celebnew_term_relationships related
        JOIN (
            SELECT *
            FROM celebnew_posts AS posts
            WHERE posts.post_date > '%s'
            AND posts.post_date < '%s'
            AND posts.post_status="publish"
            ORDER BY posts.post_date ASC
        )24HrPosts ON 24HrPosts.ID = related.object_id
    )relatedTerms ON relatedTerms.term_taxonomy_id = taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
    WHERE taxonomy.taxonomy = 'post_tag'
    GROUP BY taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
", $date1, $date2);
$slebs = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

Id like to see a cleaner version of this if anyone has any suggestion, but for now this is what Im going with.