Redirect loop upon installation of my plugin

Maikel / Michael: I will say, that’s an impressive amount of work. I’ve not created a admin plugin with that much detail. I will admit, I’m not totally clear on every single detail of what is going on with this one, but I gather it creates a form on the one’s site, then submits that to a credit reporting agency in South Africa via a curl request. Is that your API at the credit reporting company?

The one thing I did notice was the XML generation string in the files regp1.php, regp2 and regp3.php. You are generating a string, and in a couple of places instead of the value of your php variables you are only inserting the string with the variable name instead (check out the line $xml .= "<UserID>$uid</UserID>"; shouldn’t that be $xml .= "<UserID>".$uid."</UserID>"; ?? ditto on the header lines after the call to sendXMLRequest?

Is the variability in results from the wordpress submission or from the API return functioning?

And what I really want to know… is that monthly free credit report only available to folks in South Africa or will that function worldwide?

Again, nice work. Zip.