Redirecting connection from IP to localhost

Trying to change edit the wp-config.php file was a good idea, let’s try some extra things to see if they solve the problem. Let’s add these lines to the bottom of your functions.php:

update_option( 'siteurl', 'http://LOCAL_HOST_IP/wordpress' );
update_option( 'home', 'http://LOCAL_HOST_IP/wordpress' );

Using Relocate method

Edit your wp-config.php file inserting:


After that, from your browser manually access to wp-login.php. For example, type http://LOCAL_HOST_IP/wordpress/wp-login.php into your browser’s address bar, and then login as usual.

Changing the URL directly in the database

  1. Login to phpMyAdmin.
  2. Find your DB and then the table wp_options
  3. Look for siteurl and home within that table
  4. Use http://LOCAL_HOST_IP/wordpress for both and save.

Check the full Codex Changing Site URL guide.