register_activation_hook with include file [closed]

You have two options either define you register methods as static and then you can avoid instantiating your classes or even calling the MyActivation function ex:


Class File1 {
    static function file1_register() {
        //register some short codes;
    static function file1_unregister() {
        //unregister previous short codes;


Class File2 {
    static function file2_register() {
        //create some database tables.
    static function file1_unregister() {
        //delete previous tables.


include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/File1.php';
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'File1', 'file1_register' ) );
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/File2.php';
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'File2', 'file2_register' ) );

OR simply change the “Paamayim Nekudotayim” (::) to the arrow operator (->) in your current MyActivation function which means replace this line:


with this:
