Remove “Filter” Button on All Posts in wp-admin

There isn’t a filter or an action in order to prevent this BUT

WordPress adds the post-type slug of the current page post type to the classes in body tag. Also the slug of the page, in your case .edit-php

If you want to do it with css (replace {your_post_type} with your post type){your_post_type}.edit-php #post-query-submit{
    display: none!important;

ie: for page post type: #post-query-submit{
    display: none!important;

If you want to do it in javascript:

add_action( 'admin_footer', function(){
    echo <<<EOF
      jQuery('{your_post_type}.edit-php #post-query-submit').remove();

} );

Remember to replace {your_post_type} with the slug of your custom post type.