Remove or move admin submenus under a new menu

Set the argument

    'show_in_menu'  => false

while registering your post with register_post_type() would make admin menus for that post type ignored, so this is the best solution here to hide menus.

If you can’t access it, you could hook a function on admin_menu to add or remove menus and submenus.

Here’s an example. We did create an ‘artist’ post type, but we don’t want an artist admin menu. We would like to put it under a ‘music’ menu; that would have various other submenus.

    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'adjust_admin_menu' );

    function adjust_admin_menu(){

        $menu_slug = 'music'; //menu slug (or path to file); as ID
        $post_type_artist_slug = 'artist';
        $post_type_artist = get_post_type_object($post_type_artist_slug);

        /////Delete the menu generated by register_post_type() for our custom post type 'artist'.  When registering a post type, setting 

        $remove_menu_slug = sprintf('edit.php?post_type=%s',$post_type_artist_slug); //menu slug (here, a path to file); as ID

        //remove the menu
        remove_menu_page( $remove_menu_slug );
        //OR remove the 'add new' submenu
            sprintf('post-new.php?post_type=%s',$post_type_artist_slug) //SUBmenu slug (here, a path to file); as ID
        /////Create our custom menu

        $this->menu_page = add_menu_page( 
            __( 'Music', 'music-plugin' ), //page title - I never understood why this parameter is needed for.  Put what you like ?
            __( 'Music', 'music-plugin' ), //menu title
            'manage_options', //cappability
            array($this,'settings_page'), //this function will output the content of the 'Music' page.
            'dashicons-album', // an image would be 'plugins_url( 'myplugin/images/icon.png' )'; but for core icons, see 

        ////Add submenus

                $post_type_artist->labels->name, //page title - I never understood why this parameter is needed for.  Put what you like ?
                $post_type_artist->labels->name, //submenu title
                sprintf('edit.php?post_type=%s',$post_type_artist_slug) //SUBmenu slug (here, a path to a file); as ID


                sprintf('post-new.php?post_type=%s',$post_type_artist_slug) //SUBmenu slug (here, a path to a file); as ID
