Remove Spaces From WP_LINK_PAGES

Just replace a> <a with a><a:

echo str_replace( 'a> <a', 'a><a', wp_link_pages( array ( 'echo' => FALSE ) ) );

If you want to remove the spaces around unlinked numbers too, I suggest a separate function in your theme’s functions.php to keep the code readable:

function trimmed_link_pages( $args = array () )
    $args['echo'] = FALSE;
    $links = wp_link_pages( $args );
    $links = str_replace(
        array ( 'a> ', ' <a', ':<a' ),
        array ( 'a>',  '<a',  ': <a' ),
    print $links;

Use it like wp_link_pages():

if ( have_posts() )
    while ( have_posts() )
        print '<h2><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2>';

Related: Changing Link Attributes for Wp_Link_Pages.