Replace shortcode with output in database?

First of all create a function that use get_shortcode_regex to get the post_content of a post with the shortcode replaced.

Note that any other shoertcode will be untouched

function get_replaced_sourcecode_sc( $post ) {
  if ( empty($post) ) global $post;
  if ( empty($post) || ! isset($post->post_content) ) return false;
  $content = $post->post_content;
  if (
    preg_match_all( "". get_shortcode_regex() .'/s', $post->post_content, $matches )
    && array_key_exists( 2, $matches ) && in_array( 'sourcecode', $matches[2] )
  ) {
    foreach ( $matches[2] as $i => $sc ) {
      if ( $sc == 'sourcecode' )
        $now = $matches[0][$i];
        $replace = do_shortcode($now);
        $content = str_replace( $now, $replace, $content );
  return $content;

Now in your functions.php you can also add following code:

function replaced_sourcecode_sc_all() {

   $already = get_transient('replaced_sourcecode') ? : array();

   $all = get_posts('nopaging=1post_type=post');

    if ( ! empty($all) ) {

      if ( count($all) == count($already) ) {
         error_log('replaced_sourcecode_sc_all already done its work');

      $done = array();

      foreach ( $all as $one ) {

        if ( in_array($one->ID, $already) ) continue;

        $content = get_replaced_sourcecode_sc( $post );

        $post = array('ID' => $one->ID, 'post_content' => $content);

        $do = wp_update_post( $post );
        if ( $do ) $done[] = $do;


      set_transient('replaced_sourcecode', $done);


add_action('shutdown', 'replaced_sourcecode_sc_all');

Now, enable WP logging, and then visit your site 2 or 3 times. Check the error log and if you find the string “replaced_sourcecode_sc_all already done its works” you can remove the function (or simply comment out the ‘add_action’ line).