Run a function on all posts

Rather than hooking into init or wp_load, here is a snippet you can drop into functions.php or on a theme file. I put it behind a $_GET so that you can only hit it once and when you are ready. Something like

// Hide it from the public

  // Let's query all of the product post_type.
  $product_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'product',
    'posts_per_page' => -1
  $product_query = new WP_Query($product_args);

  while( $product_query->have_posts()): $product_query->the_post();

    $title_length = strlen($post->post_name);

    // - Update the post's metadata.
    if ( $post->post_name ) {
      update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_product_title_length', $title_length );



If you want to run this on specific posts you have not edited already, you can update the $product_args array to have a date range in it.

Hope this helps!!