Running multiple WP_Query

Your problem is here:

foreach ($wqPort as $projeto)

$wqPort is an object of type WP_Query, not an array. If you look at your PHP error log, you should be seeing warnings and notices for those lines

Instead, use a standard post loop:

$q = new WP_Query( [ .. args here ... ] );
if ( $q->have_posts() ) {
    while( $q->have_posts() ){
        // .. do things
} else {
    // no posts found

That’s what a standard WP_Query post loop looks like

Some additional notes:

  • Avoid setting suppress_filters to true, it will prevent caching mechanisms from working, as well as any plugins from adjusting the query, giving a performance penalty
  • Never use wp_rest_query, it’s intended for use with query_posts. Use wp_reset_postdata instead
  • Don’t smush multiple things on to the same line
  • Indent your code, it will prevent common errors and make it easier to read
  • If you have 2 PHP blocks with nothing in between them, don’t close and reopen them, just have 1 large block. E.g. this: <?php echo 1; ?><?php echo 2;?> becomes: <?php echo 1; echo 2; ?>