Sanitize slug title

If you a look at the source you’ll see it’s because the sanitize_title filter fires after remove_accents() is called by sanitize_title().

It does however, pass the raw title as the second argument so you can perform any substitutions on the raw title, apply remove_accents() and return it:

function wpsesanitize_title_extra( $title, $raw_title, $context ) {

    $new_title = $raw_title;

    $new_title = str_replace( '€', 'euro', $new_title );
    $new_title = str_replace( '€', 'euro', $new_title );
    $new_title = str_replace( '€', 'euro', $new_title );

    if( 'save' == $context ){
        $new_title = remove_accents( $new_title );

    return $new_title;

add_filter( 'sanitize_title', 'wpsesanitize_title_extra', 5, 3 );