Sending out scheduled emails

You cannot rely on wp-cron for consistent results so you have to look to the server level. Most enterprise-level WordPress installations need some sort of consistent automation. This is how I automate WordPress in this type of situation.

You will need to add a crontab to the server itself. If you’re running Linux, you can use crontab -e to get to the edit screen.

Then add a simple curl command to hit your site on a regular basis:

0 * * * * curl >/dev/null 2>&1

This command will run once per hour. The bits at the end send the output to null and removes the email functionality every time the cron runs.

I use this on my sites to get around wp-cron’s fickle ‘scheduling’. If you’re not positive about creating a crontab schedule, check out this handy tool for generating a crontab command.

If you’re on a shared host, hopefully you have cPanel which if enabled, will give you a GUI to add a cron job. If for some reason you can’t add a crontab, I would consider finding a host that gives you shell access and allows you the flexibility you need.

I’ve never used a cron hosting service, but you could check it out if your host won’t let you add a crontab. is an example of a cron host. (Again, I don’t know the reliability of these services)

Hope this helps you!