Shortcode parse error – wrong syntax


Seems like the shortcode you’re trying to use is not well coded. If they use it somewhere in the templates alone like echo do_shortcode('[share]'); it doesn’t really matter since the '[share]' is the only content passed to do_shortcode(). In your case you’re trying to reuse the shortcode in a context where it’s placed among other content – that’s what the shortcodes are for in the first place. Try for following code:

add_action('wp_head', function() {

  // bail if shortcode doesn't exists
  if ( ! shortcode_exists( 'share' ) ) {

  remove_shortcode( 'share' ); // remove what is defined before in change_item_social_v2()

  add_shortcode( 'share', function( $args = [], $content="" ) {

    x_portfolio_item_social_v2( $args, $content );

    return ob_get_clean();
  } );
}, 100 ); // high hook order 100 > 10 (default), ensure this is called after original change_item_social_v2()

By calling ob_start() before x_portfolio_item_social_v2() we are simply preventing whatever is output, since that moment, to “display”, instead we store it into a buffer which is flushed and its contents returned by ob_get_clean(), acting like a proper shortcode handler.


I don’t see a parse issue here but the obvious mistake is echoing in a function that should return. You see your echo do_shortcode(...) is actually echoing immediately at that time it’s run. echo will output but will not have a return and it will never be where you expect it to be (inside <div class="kalis"></div>). First try removing echo