Shortcode / plugin with custom (flexible) output

The first problem you didn’t even mention is: you are putting shortcodes into a theme. Shortcodes are pure plugin territory, because they are changing post content and must survive a theme switch.

Once you fixed that and moved the shortcodes to a plugin named inferno_shortcodes, the rest is easy:

In your plugin ask for theme support:

$default_templates = array(
    'stacked'       => 'stacked.php',
    'one_half'      => 'one_half.php',
    'one_half_last' => 'one_half_last.php',
$theme_templates = (array) get_theme_support( 'inferno_shortcodes' );

$templates = array();

foreach ( $default_templates as $shortcode => $file )
    if ( isset ( $theme_templates[ $shortcode ] ) )
        $templates[ $shortcode ] = locate_template( $theme_templates[ $shortcode ] );
        $templates[ $shortcode ] = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . "templates/$file";

Now any theme can provide templates for all or some shortcodes with …

    array (
        'stacked'       => 'inferno-shortcodes/stacked.php',
        'one_half'      => 'inferno-shortcodes/one_half.php',
        'one_half_last' => 'inferno-shortcodes/one_half_last.php',

… and in your plugin you just include the template to render the output.