Shortcode to generate and save password in a file

Per the comment under the OP’s question, below is the solution by using a return instead of an echo:

add_shortcode( 'phptest', 'custom_shortcode_phptest' );
function custom_shortcode_phptest() { // Add Shortcode

    function generatePassword( $length = 6 ) {
        $charactersLength = strlen( $characters );
        for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
            $pass .= $characters[rand( 0, $charactersLength - 1 )];
        return $pass;

    $password = generatePassword();

    $data = time();

    $test="/home/blablabla/public_html/ot/docs/test/" . $password . '.txt';
    $file = fopen( $test, "w" );
    fwrite( $file, $data );
    fclose( $file );
    return 'Your pass is ' . $password . ' and it is valid for 3 days.';