Show image next to the comment author if have certain role

Conditional tags are used to change content on the basis of what conditions a page meets. While there are no conditional tags depending on a user’s role, this is how you can manipulate content depending on roles:

Display content to the user, depending on his role

   global $current_user;
   get_currentuserinfo(); //not strictly required, $current_user should be populated anyway 
   if(in_array('editor', $current_user->roles)) {
      // echo markup here

Alternatively, you might also want to check out current_user_can()

Edit: Display content based on a commentator’s role

   $commentator_id = get_comment(get_comment_ID())->user_id;
   $commentator_info = get_userdata($commentator_id);
   $capabilities = $user_info->wp_capabilities;
   if (array_key_exists('editor', $capabilities)) {
      // echo markup here

The above will have to go in the comments loop.

get_comment() | get_user_data() | Comment Loop Beauty