Show only IF not Google bot [closed]

This isn’t really a WordPress specific question. However, I recently wrote a function for this (and blocking other user agents). Perhaps you could use it, or some of it?:

function is_a_bot(){

    $is_bot = false;

    $user_agents = array( 'GTmetrix', 'Googlebot', 'Bingbot', 'BingPreview', 'msnbot', 'slurp', 'Ask Jeeves/Teoma', 'Baidu', 'DuckDuckBot', 'AOLBuild' );

    $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    foreach ( $user_agents as $agent ){
        if ( strpos( $user_agent, $agent) ){
            $is_bot = true;

    return $is_bot;


Simply add/remove the bots that you want/don’t want from the array $user_agents and use in the following way:

if ( ! is_a_bot() ){
    // Do something if it's not a bot (eg. display ad code, template part or run your function here...)