Sort comments by karma

Just incase if you have not checked out the plugin developers page but heres something that you could try

if (function_exists(ckrating_get_comments)) {
$post_id = $post->ID;
$mycomments = ckrating_get_comments(
$mycomments = null;
wp_list_comments(array(), $mycomments);


I got it working placing in functions.php
I got it working placing in functions.php `function comment_comparator($a, $b)

function comment_comparator($a, $b)
        $compared = 0;
        if($a->comment_karma != $b->comment_karma)
            $compared = $a->comment_karma < $b->comment_karma ? 1:-1;
        return $compared;

and in comments.php

global $wp_query;
    $comment_arr = $wp_query->comments;
    usort($comment_arr, 'comment_comparator');
    wp_list_comments('callback=gtcn_basic_callback', $comment_arr);

Found on this website