SQL query generated by WP_Query is not the same what request echoes

$wp_query->result is not the final stage of the query. It needs to be passed through $wpdb to be properly executed.

The main issue is the fact that the LIKE wildcards % have not been unescaped. If you replace the {77b35c9 etc.} sets of characters, including the brackets, with % you should get pretty much the final query:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_16_posts.* FROM wp_16_posts WHERE 1=1 AND (wp_16_posts.publish_to IS NULL OR wp_16_posts.publish_to > now()) AND (wp_16_posts.publish_from IS NULL OR wp_16_posts.publish_from < now()) AND (((wp_16_posts.post_title LIKE '%rosszkor233%') OR (wp_16_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '%rosszkor233%') OR (wp_16_posts.post_content LIKE '%rosszkor233%'))) AND wp_16_posts.post_type="post" AND ((wp_16_posts.post_status="publish")) ORDER BY wp_16_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 8