Tax Query only returns for the first of several terms

Related issue: Multiple relationship for multiple tax_query in WP_Query

The issue here was that mixed multi-relationship lookups are only permitted using the term_taxonomy_ids field in the query, the above worked fine once switched like so:

$params = [
    "status" => "publish",
    "tax_query" => [
            "taxonomy" => "jewellery_metal",
            "field" => "term_taxonomy_id",
            "terms" => [
                36, // "yellow-gold-jewellery"
                37, // "white-gold-jewellery"
                34, // "rose-gold-jewellery"
            "taxonomy" => "jewellery_availability",
            "field" => "term_taxonomy_id",
            "terms" => [
                44, // "sold"
                49, // "unaccounted"
            "operator" => "NOT IN"
        "relation" => "AND"
    "post_type" => "product"

Annoying WordPress Docs don’t specify this, or at minimum suggest all queries are done on the term_taxonomy_id if it’s the only one that supports all specified functionality.