Test if a post exists by category and date

I prefer to use wp_query, which gives you a lot more flexibility to custom query.

As your requirement is only to check if there are posts with a particular category and date you can write a custom function and can use it anywhere to check it.

Use the code below in the active theme’s functions.php file

function check_post_cat_date( $post_type="post", $category = 'uncategorized', $published_on = '12-31-2012' ) {
// Use the date format as (mm-dd-yyyy) else change accordingly
$date = explode( '-', $published_on );
$args = array(
    'post_type'     => $post_type,
    'category_name' => $category,
    'monthnum'      => (int) $date[0],
    'day'           => (int) $date[1],
    'year'          => (int) $date[2],

$the_posts = new WP_Query( $args );

return count( $the_posts->posts );


And if you are using version 3.7 or above you can use the date_query

Now you can use this function to check the number of posts it returns.

You can use it in anywhere, something like below:–

$category = 'uncategorized';
$published_on = '10-3-2013';
$user_query = check_post_cat_date( $post_type, $category, $published_on );
if ( $user_query ) {
    // Do something
    echo 'There are ' . $user_query . 'post(s) with category: ' . $category . ' published on ' . $published_on;
} else {
    // Do something else
    echo 'There are no posts with category: ' . $category . ' published on ' . $published_on;