The correct way to handle GET or POST requests in the admin panel

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There are various hooks, and the one you should use depends on what you need. Anyway, here Codex: Actions Run During an Admin Page Request and here Codex: Administrative Actions the codex list the hooks to use for admin panel requests.

Example: If you have to activate something in the admin initialization, you can use the admin_init action hook, so the code will be: add_action('admin_init', 'your-custom-function'); If you have to operate when a page load in the dashboard, you can use the load-(page) hook; for example: add_action('load-post.php', 'your-custom-function'); and so on.

You can manage GET and POST requests with $_GET['x'] and $_POST['x'], where x is the variable you want to take from the query string. Example:

$_GET['post'] == 69