The plugin generated xx characters of unexpected output. How to solve?

The issue appears to be in the formatting of your mp_calcs_display() function. I modified the function to use the heredoc syntax for your html output, and was then able to activate the plugin successfully.

 function mp_calcs_display() {
    $output = <<<HTML
<form name="calsinput" action="" method="post" id="calsinput" ><h1> Process </h1>
<p> operation type always robot </p>
<br> <br>
Number of welds: <input type="number" name="numberofwelds" class="required digits" title="This field is required and must be a no."  >
<br> <br>
Number of construction welds: <input type="number" name="numberofconwelds" class="required digits"  title="This field is required and must be a no.">
<br> <br>
<h2> Outputs </h2>
<br> <br>
Robot in/out: <input type="text" name="robotinout" disabled>
<br> <br>
Weld time: <input type="text" name="weldtime" disabled>
<br> <br>
Controlling cycle: <input type="text" name="concycle" disabled>
<br> <br>
Total time(secs): <input type="text" name="totaltimesecs" disabled>
<br> <br> <br> <br>
<input type="submit" value="Calculate cycle time ">
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    return $output;

Full plugin file with above fix that was used for testing: