Recover deleted text from draft post
Recover deleted text from draft post
Recover deleted text from draft post
Try to disable the mod security through your cpanel. Or you can ask your host to disable mod security for you.
Sure it is – you can use the wp_insert_post_data filter: function no_going_back_to_draft($slashed_data , $post_data) { if($slashed_data[‘post_status’] == ‘draft’) { // we’re only interested in posts being saved as “drafts” $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( in_array( ‘no-going-back-to-draft-role’, (array) $user->roles ) ) { // we’re only interested in users with that special, restricted role $post = get_post($post_data[‘ID’]); … Read more
How can i access my draft which disappeared when i uninstalled the app?
This is very similar to this question. We have to hook into check_ajax_referer to address the internal linking feature only. Then we register an action for pre_get_posts to extend the search to drafts and pending posts. We will still get no pretty permalinks, because they are excluded in get_permalink. So we register a filter for … Read more
you need to manually set the publish date.
Why does typing a post in the Quick Draft or comments, eliminate double spaces?
There is probably a better way but you could add the following CSS to your stylesheet, which will add a little banner when viewing a page that has a status of draft. .status-draft.hentry:before { content: “Previewing a Draft”; background: #87C5D6 !important; display: block; text-align: center; } You could also use these classes for the different … Read more
Since a picture is worth a thousand words: 1) Click “Edit” next to “Publish Immediately” 2) Change the date 3) Click “OK”
It should be possible to add a button to the Publish box Save as changed copy. You have to hook into content_save_pre then and copy the content and all meta data into a new post with a draft status. After the review the posts have to be merged back. I haven’t done this yet, but … Read more