How can I bring the price in my website?
You can use the Amazon API to retrieve info about anything. Here’s the link to get you started
You can use the Amazon API to retrieve info about anything. Here’s the link to get you started
Ensure that ONLY fixed rate shipping is enabled, even if the others are not setup, if they are checked (in the shipping tab) then they will try to output.
This looks like it might be perfect for you: Region Weight Shipping
Simply use a callback that you hook to wp_mail(). The first line of the function: extract( apply_filters( ‘wp_mail’, compact( ‘to’, ‘subject’, ‘message’, ‘headers’, ‘attachments’ ) ) The third argument $message is what you want to alter. Just return an array in the callback where you merge the original with your alterations.
Just to help you out … WordPress and Magento are comparable as they are both PHP content management systems. However Magento doesn’t compare to WooCommerce in the way you mention it above. For example: you may not need WordPress if you installed Magento. But you have to install WordPress to use WooCommerce. What you are … Read more
So basically, I’ve never found an ecommerce solution yet that just works. And I’ve tried a lot of them. They often require the cusom creation of templates, as the shops css and the theme css never seem to play right. Everything always looks pretty crappy for me. Now that being said, the easiest I’ve dealt … Read more
That’s all possible with WordPress, and you have several choices. E.g. WP E-Commerce or Jigoshop etc Scale-wise, it depends exactly what you’re wanting in terms of scale, initially and eventually. WordPress can be manipulated to scale quite far, you can buy a bigger server, shift a large chunk of your content and pages into the … Read more
You can do two things: Create a sitemap.xml excluding the pages you just mentioned. Create a robots.txt which disallows the Google robot from looking at certain files: To exclude all robots from parts of a server: User-agent: * Disallow: /product-page/checkout This is not WordPress specific. HTH
I don’t know of a phone number but you can contact WooThemes directly with pre-sales questions. Go to the site and fill out the contact form. There are any number of consultants/developers who’d be able to help with specific questions. In fact if you have specific questions you can ask them here in the appropriate … Read more
E-commerce solution