Excerpt selected content automatically
Excerpt selected content automatically
Excerpt selected content automatically
Yes, you can fix the height of a Power Query’s nested excerpt block in WordPress to ensure it is always two lines tall, regardless of the actual length of the excerpt. This can be achieved with CSS. The goal is to set a fixed height that corresponds to the line height of two lines of … Read more
How to share to Facebook as an excerpt?
Option 1 If you want to inject the Rank Math meta description into the post content using the the_content filter, you can do so by adding a filter to your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s how you can achieve that: function inject_rank_math_description($content) { if (is_single() && !is_admin()) { // Check if Rank Math meta description exists … Read more
To get started, you’ll need to remove the wp_trim_excerpt function from the get_the_excerpt filter: remove_filter( ‘get_the_excerpt’, ‘wp_trim_excerpt’, 10 ); This will result in no auto-generation of excerpts (manually entered excerpts will still show). From here, add your own function and filter for generating the excerpt: function trim_excerpt_with_html( $text=””, $post = null ) { … } … Read more
Is there a way to display the ‘Read more’ link if it’s within a range?
Format main page post excerpt previews
Remove the excerpt and “… Read More” from the featured content on the home page with child theme
Setting post excerpt length in php wordpress code, Should will help to save DB size?
It seems to me that your code runs too early, i.e. before WordPress determined what the queried object is, i.e. whether it’s for a single post, a category archive, a search results page, etc. Such issue could happen if you added the code “just like that” to your theme’s functions file, so try doing it … Read more