Commit history on remote repository

Will display the log of a given remote branch in that repository, but only the logs that you have “fetched” from their repository to your personal “copy” of the remote repository. Remember that your clone of the repository will update its state of any remote branches only by doing git fetch. You can’t connect directly to … Read more

Pretty Git branch graphs

2108 Update 2: I’ve posted an improved version of this answer to the Visualizing branch topology in Git question, since it’s far more appropriate there. That version includes lg3, which shows both the author and committer info, so you really should check it out. Leaving this answer for historical (& rep, I’ll admit) reasons, though I’m really tempted … Read more

Get a list of all git commits, including the ‘lost’ ones

Not particularly easily- if you’ve lost the pointer to the tip of a branch, it’s rather like finding a needle in a haystack. You can find all the commits that don’t appear to be referenced any more- git fsck –unreachable will do this for you- but that will include commits that you threw away after a git commit … Read more
