Kubernetes stuck on ContainerCreating
kubectl describe pods will list some (probably most but not all) of the events associated with the pod, including pulling of images, starting of containers.
kubectl describe pods will list some (probably most but not all) of the events associated with the pod, including pulling of images, starting of containers.
Those are two different approaches: Imperative Management kubectl create is what we call Imperative Management. On this approach you tell the Kubernetes API what you want to create, replace or delete, not how you want your K8s cluster world to look like. Declarative Management kubectl apply is part of the Declarative Management approach, where changes that you may have applied … Read more
On minikube for windows I created a deployment on the kubernetes cluster, then I tried to scale it by changing replicas from 1 to 2, and after that kubectl hangs and my disk usage is 100%. I only have one container in my deployment all I did was run this after the pods were successfully … Read more
I am trying to run Sonarqube service using the following helm chart. So the set-up is like it starts a MySQL and Sonarqube service in the minikube cluster and Sonarqube service talks to the MySQL service to dump the data. When I do helm install followed by kubectl get pods I see the MySQL pod status as running, but the Sonarqube pos status shows as CreateContainerConfigError. I reckon … Read more
You have to define a PersistentVolume providing disc space to be consumed by the PersistentVolumeClaim. When using storageClass Kubernetes is going to enable “Dynamic Volume Provisioning” which is not working with the local file system. To solve your issue: Provide a PersistentVolume fulfilling the constraints of the claim (a size >= 100Mi) Remove the storageClass from the PersistentVolumeClaim or provide it with an empty value (“”) Remove the StorageClass from … Read more
As @Sukumar commented, you need to have your Dockerfile have a Command to run or have your ReplicationController specify a command. The pod is crashing because it starts up then immediately exits, thus Kubernetes restarts and the cycle continues.
Is it possible to restart a single container Not through kubectl, although depending on the setup of your cluster you can “cheat” and docker kill the-sha-goes-here, which will cause kubelet to restart the “failed” container (assuming, of course, the restart policy for the Pod says that is what it should do) how do I restart … Read more
You can use the ‘describe pod‘ syntax For OpenShift use: For vanilla Kubernetes: Examine the events of the output. In my case it shows Back-off pulling image unreachableserver/nginx:1.14.22222 In this case the image unreachableserver/nginx:1.14.22222 can not be pulled from the Internet because there is no Docker registry unreachableserver and the image nginx:1.14.22222 does not exist. … Read more