Not for profit membership site on WordPress

When you publish a post or page on WordPress you can set the status to Private. This means that this content is only viewable to registered and logged in users. You can then restrict files to the person who uploaded them (or disable upload for non-admin). Here is an example of how to do that. … Read more

How to get membership level id f a particular user [closed]

You probably want pmpro_getMembershipLevelsForUser from functions.php: /* pmpro_getMembershipLevelsForUser() returns the membership levels for a user * * If $user_id is omitted, the value will be retrieved from $current_user. * By default it only includes active memberships. * * Return values: * Success returns an array of level objects. * Failure returns false. */ function pmpro_getMembershipLevelsForUser($user_id … Read more

Premium Members Section of website

The best way to have complete control is to use conditionals in your templates. Look at current_user_can() for specific permissions – or if its simply for being logged in you could use is_user_logged_in(). eg: if( is_user_logged_in() ){ // echo product details }else{ //echo login form and message } That we you have complete control over … Read more

New User Sessions in WordPress?

Instead of forcing WordPress to have a custom membership system, if you want to use your own small membership feature, then you may not have to use sessions at all. For instance, if you want to password protect a specific set of pages, you could make one page require authentication, using a username and password … Read more
