What is the meaning of number 1e5?
1e5 is a number expressed using scientific notation and it means 10 to the 5th power (the e meaning ‘exponent’) so 1e5 is equal to 100000, both notations are interchangeably meaning the same.
1e5 is a number expressed using scientific notation and it means 10 to the 5th power (the e meaning ‘exponent’) so 1e5 is equal to 100000, both notations are interchangeably meaning the same.
density *= invertedRatio; is a shortened version of density = density * invertedRatio; This notation comes from C.
density *= invertedRatio; is a shortened version of density = density * invertedRatio; This notation comes from C.
1e5 is a number expressed using scientific notation and it means 10 to the 5th power (the e meaning ‘exponent’) so 1e5 is equal to 100000, both notations are interchangeably meaning the same.