Adding data to options table

This is an expansion of my comment on OP: function is_forum_subscribed($user_ID) { if($user_ID) { $useremail = $this->get_userdata($user_ID, ‘user_email’); $list = get_option(“mf_forum_subscribers_”.$this->current_forum, array()); if(in_array($useremail, $list)) return true; } return false; } } You can call this function like this, instead: is_forum_subscribed($player->ID);

How do I create settings only used by my theme? [closed]

You don’t have to register_settigs, you can just add the options straight to the database with add_option(). You could have like a dummy option “all_pages_created” and if that’s set then don’t check for the individual pages. if (get_option(‘all_pages_created’) !== false) { // it’s set, do nothing } else { // check for your pages and … Read more

Repeatable option fields not saving

Use a html setup similar to the following: <input name=”multi[0]” /> <input name=”multi[1]” /> <input name=”multi[2]” /> etc.. Please be more specific to get better answers. For example don’t paste all your code but just a few snippets of it what are relevant to your question.

Remove Edit Profile option but still have the profile viewable

add_filter( ‘wpmem_register_form_rows’, ‘prefix_profile’, 9999, 2 ); function prefix_profile( $rows, $toggle ){ if( ‘edit’ == $toggle ){ foreach( $rows as $row_item ){ $rows[$row_item[‘meta’]][‘field’] = preg_replace( ‘/<input(.*) value=”(.*)” class=”textbox”(.*)\/>/’, ‘<p class=”noinput”>$2&nbsp;</p>’, $row_item[‘field’] ); $rows[$row_item[‘meta’]][‘label’] = str_replace( ‘*’, ”, $row_item[‘label’] ); } } return $rows; }