Is wordpress Privacy Settings sufficient for this?
Install Authenticator. It requires a log-in to access the blog content. A robots.txt is just a recommendation and not safe enough.
Install Authenticator. It requires a log-in to access the blog content. A robots.txt is just a recommendation and not safe enough.
I don’t know of any plugin that actually recognizes the differences between pending_review and published, but I would recommend User Role Editor as an easy way to manipulate viewing and editing rights. It does offer a way to edit/view/discard private posts, which are effectively published posts but accessible only to those who have the URL. … Read more
There are many ways to do this with plugins or PHP. To do it without any modification to the system, you should mark the post’s visibility as “Private” and then only Admins or Editors can see it. You must in this case, make your friends and family “editors”, which you can do in the “Users” … Read more
Roughly, I’d set up a new WP instance, installing it on an internal server that is not visible to the ‘outside’, and protected from outside use via firewalls. If the info is just for you, you can use htaccess rules to deny access to all but your own IP address. You’d probably want to restrict … Read more
Hiding user data from developers
How to restrict access to uploaded files? There’s an answer there to help you restrict access to images and other downloadable files.
It will add a link to the selected page to wp-login.php and a link to it is included in the Erase Personal Data confirmation email. It also makes it easy for themes and plugins to link to it using the the_privacy_policy_link() function. The default themes all use this to add a link to the selected … Read more
User generated content, including comments, are not deleted – the author name, email, IP address etc is simply anonymized so it can no longer be linked to that user. Nor is the user account account deleted – you would need to decide whether you wanted to do that manually or not. The Personal Data Eraser … Read more
Real solution to my question is to install UCE (Ultimate Category Excluder) which allows me to exclude post for showing in front page, feeds, archives, and search results. I can choose where I want it to show, if I do.