Force Code (Appearance) Editor to Use Spaces Not Tabs

The WordPress theme/plugin (file) editor uses CodeMirror for syntax highlighting, and with the hook wp_enqueue_code_editor (which is available starting from WordPress version 4.9.0), you can filter the default CodeMirror settings, as in the following example: add_filter( ‘wp_code_editor_settings’, function( $settings ) { $settings[‘codemirror’][‘indentUnit’] = 2; $settings[‘codemirror’][‘indentWithTabs’] = false; return $settings; } ); See if you’d … Read more

What is the difference between CSS and SCSS?

In addition to Idriss answer: CSS In CSS we write code as depicted bellow, in full length. SCSS In SCSS we can shorten this code using a @mixin so we don’t have to write color and width properties again and again. We can define this through a function, similarly to PHP or other languages. SASS … Read more

Converts scss to css [closed]

If you click on the title CSS (SCSS) in CodePen (don’t change the pre-processor with the gear) it will switch to the compiled CSS view.
