Header image is overlapping sidebar?
I’m not much of a CSS guru myself, but I think the z-index property might be helpful here. Check this link on Smashing Magazine: The Z-Index CSS property: A comprehensive look.
I’m not much of a CSS guru myself, but I think the z-index property might be helpful here. Check this link on Smashing Magazine: The Z-Index CSS property: A comprehensive look.
Well, you could access the $post variable with global $post and then access it’s meta values with get_post_meta($post->ID) or something close to that. If you just want that to be accessed when you are viewing a single post, you can use if(is_singular(‘my_custom_post_type’)) //do your stuff
I seem to have fixed this issue by calling <?php get_sidebar(); ?> before the loop as opposed to after which seems to have fixed the issue. Not sure if this is technically the correct way to do things however this seems to have fixed my issue.
You can call registered sidebars with the dynamic_sidebar() function. Just put the ID of the sidebar in to the call. In the case below the id would be homepage-sidebar. <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘homepage-sidebar’) ) : ?><?php endif; ?>
This is default behavior. I believe that sidebars are listed by ID in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets, and that the sidebar with ID 0 is always open in the default view.
Sounds like you could use page templates for this. You’d create a file in your theme called ‘page-services.php’ (for instance). When users create new pages, they’d select the “Services” template, rather than the “Services” sidebar, but it’s basically the same thing for your purposes. Here’s how to set up templates: http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#Page_Templates And here’s the conditional … Read more
An alternative method to what @Tanmoy gave above is to make an additional navigation menu (Appearance – Menus) and call it something like Sidebar-Pages. Then you can add the headers with a “link” like #. Add the sub-pages you want and save when you’re done. Then go to widgets (Appearance – Widgets) and there you … Read more
Can the Twenty Eleven theme have a Main Sidebar at all? Twenty Eleven Theme does display a sidebar on the homepage, but not on the single posts and individual pages as you can see from the demo of Twenty Eleven. If so, what am I doing wrong? What’s your website URL?
I would recommend the plugin Widget Logic. It adds a text field under each widget in the appearance -> widgets menu that lets you add conditional filters. For example if you wanted a widget to only display on your blog page you would add, is_home() to the field under the widget. Also, check the Conditional … Read more
Your get_sidebar call: <?php get_sidebar; ?> is missing the parentheses: <?php get_sidebar(); ?>