Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
Change displayed timezone SMT by SGT in WordPress
About Timezone And Post Ranking
Turns out there was a previous attempt to fix the timezone: date_default_timezone_set(‘America/Sao_Paulo’); was called on the init hook. When later the correct UTC time, local time and timezone were properly set on the server, this caused a conflict. Removing this solved the issue.
WordPress UTC timezone is wrong
Wrong Universal Time WordPress
Thank you Tom J Nowell for the insightful comment above. Turns out that wp_timezone is a relatively recent addition to WordPress, and didn’t exist in the version of WP I was developing in. It was added, as the Changelog says, in v5.3. I was using v5.2. The function itself: function wp_timezone() { return new DateTimeZone( … Read more
The problem was simple – My wordpress was set up for a general timezone. After picking a city it knew everything about daylight saving time.
When I began troubleshooting this issue, I viewed the lack of a value for gmt_offset as the culprit, and considered the server to be solid. But after I updated the gmt_offset value in the database and the error persisted, I knew I’d been mistaken. An admin had posted to a WP forum indicating that, despite … Read more
I have changed the time zone of my blog and all times of my posts are wrong. How can I fix it?
This is set inside your database and is also used inside PHP settings on the server. Double check the PHP settings if you can control them. There is a timezone parameter that you can enter into PHP.ini (PHP -v shows you all of this). For MySQL… You’d need to look at global setting which I’m … Read more