While running pipeline php unit test failed
While running pipeline php unit test failed
While running pipeline php unit test failed
How do I unit test a plugin with forms?
I don’t know of a library, but you could probably build one using TracTickets as a guide and using GitHub’s API. I’m actually answering to say don’t do this. WordPress actually no longer uses this method of skipping tests. See ticket #30284. I quote from there: Our previous convention was to write unit tests to … Read more
There are basically three options: Load that file with the admin-side code on-the-fly in setUp() or setUpBeforeClass(), so it will be loaded when those tests run. Load that file before the test suite is loaded and run, like in a bootstrap.php file or something, so it will be loaded for all the tests. Separate your … Read more
The question actually has nothing specific to wordpress, but maybe it is worth answering. There is simply no code of your own in that sample that can be/is worth testing, therefor there isn’t much to unit test. Lets look at the details. add_filter is integration with core code, remove_filter is integration with core code and … Read more
Error Testing create_empty_blog() via PHPUnit + Unit Tests
What make possible unit test plugins?
You just need to define the MZMBO_UnitTestCase class as abstract: abstract class MZMBO_UnitTestCase extends WP_UnitTestCase { public function el($message){ file_put_contents(‘./log_’.date(“j.n.Y”).’.log’, $message, FILE_APPEND); } }
The best solution I’ve found is to make a symlink from the plugin directory to the actual location of the /wordpress-tests-lib/. At least in the case of VS Code, the symlink seems to help it “find” the files and incorporate them into autocomplete etc. I’m still having bugs but this is the best I could … Read more
If I undertsand correctly, what you are searching for is a good library for creating stubs and mocks. If you use PHPUnit, it has a features for that. See https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/test-doubles.html#test-doubles For example, let’s assume you have a class like this: namespace MyApp; class MyCustomUser { public function __construct(\WP_User $user) { $this->user = $user; } public … Read more