I cannot access to my wordpress
I cannot access to my wordpress
I cannot access to my wordpress
An over simplified version of doing this is to download WordPress Serialized Search and Replace tool And drop it onto your server go to the location of where you have uploaded it. Then simply search for your old url, and replace with the new. This will do this for every post type, post data and … Read more
Apparently, for some reason, the permalinks formatting setting had changed to a different one that was used while building the site. I changed it back to what I was using before and everything works!
The problem seems to be with Apache configuration. Please check your httpd.conf file and check also if any virtual hosts (v-hosts) are defined. More details on the httpd.conf file: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/configuring.html
Shot in the dark here: have you tried to add /index.php to the end of the URL for the page, e.g. hit instead of just Not necessarily a solution, but might narrow down the problem a bit if this fixes it for you.
Write Error in WordPress
404 Error in Xampp
It’s not clear what “cannot access WordPress from [other Win7 machine on network]” actually means. I have this same setup and it works fine. Be sure to check these things: Do you have Apache and MySQL services running? Check XAMPP Control Panel Can your other Win7 machine access the folder WP is in? ie. … Read more
This is not a WordPress specific problem. And maybe a duplicate question of this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12142172/apache-shows-php-code-instead-of-executing
Setting Up WordPress on Local Server, not showing full site when I test on remote server (Intranet)