Unable to save Theme Options when TinyMCE is enabled for the text area

What output do you get on-submit, if you add the following to the top of your sanitization callback:

var_dump( $input ); die;

i.e. add it here:

function theme_options_validate( $input ) {
    var_dump( $input ); die;

Compare the results with and without TinyMCE. Let’s figure out what’s changing.

Also: this isn’t directly related to the issue you’re having (at least, I think it isn’t), but your sanitization callback doesn’t actually sanitize the input you’re sending it, i.e. client_theme_options['intro_text']. It appears to be a conglomeration of copy-pasta, example sanitization functions.

You need to sanitize your actual option, probably with a wp_filter_post_kses() filter, since you’re allowing for HTML input.


Perhaps you are having a similar issue to this other SO questioner, in which the textarea data isn’t being submitted, because of the way that TinyMCE hijacks the textarea?

The solutions to that question included:

  • before submit call tinyMCE.triggerSave();
  • And this suggestion:

Add a hidden field to the form:

<input type="hidden" id="question_html" name="question_html" />

Before posting the form, get the data from the editor and put in the hidden field:


Here’s another SO question related to the same issue. It suggests using this script code:

var editor = tinymce.get( editor_id);
editor.save();  // writes content back to the textarea
// you may now use jQuery or editor.getContent(); to acces the content

(Which I think is similar to the other suggestions.)

Not sure if any of those would be helpful?